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Ashoka Dhammadutta Retreat March 2019

Date: 25 to 31 March 2019

The Ashoka dhammadutta retreat was held an Kondanphur, pune. The purpose of the retreat to review the three months course, syllabus and evaluate. The clusters from 7 states were participated in this retreat namely; Karnataka, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, and Odisha. And three each from the states there were 21 clusters participated. Some states had four clusters namely; Maharashtra and Karnataka. The retreat was facilitated by the chairmen/founder Dh. Lokamitra and co supporter were Upayaraja, Vivekratna, Bodhidhamma, & Asangavajra. It was took place to discuss deeply and share their challenges and difficulties. So that we understood their issues and try to resolve them.  On this retreat we had talk and discussion times with presentations. Everyday we had meditation in the morning and Puja in the evening to strengthen our knowledge and integrate our mind and body.