Date: 28-31 March 2018
Venue: Badepur, Mainpuri-Uttar Pradesh
The Young Bodhisatva Retreat was attended by 239 local people from several districts. The alumni from the Shakya (OBC) community organized it and the participants came from Dalit and OBC backgrounds. The retreat center had been developed by some of the first converts to Buddhism from the Shakya community. It is a great sign of progress that Buddhism is helping people to come together and transcend the old caste barriers. Lokamitra gave a talk each day on Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity as Buddhist practices. The participants then divided into groups to discuss his talk. This was followed by a question and answer session to clarify any confusion. Lokamitra was supported by Vivekaratna, Upayaraja, Vishakha, and Shraddhavajri. At the end of the retreat, The Sankisa Triratna Foundation was inaugurated as a vehicle to take forward their work.