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Residential Dhamma Study Retreat

It was organised the residential Dhamma study retreat from 20th March 2018 to 24th March 2018 at Nagaloka for getting happiness in daily life . 31 peoples ( male and female) were participated in the retreat. There were 12 youth participated who are taking their higher education. The retreat was organised on the subject three Jewels ( Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha) in a leading and direction of Pragyaratna. Dhammachari Padmvir, Dhammachari Nagamitra, Dhammachari Tejbodhi, Dhammacharini Nityashri and Dhammacharini Maitrichita were supporter.DhammaSuryaVihar

The retreat was start from the evening 20th March by celebrating Full moon day Puja. The retreat was started by this puja and Lecture. Dhammachari Padmvir has been conduct Puja. There was delivered talk on the subject Smruti Bodhyang by Dhammachari Pragyaratna. He explain that smruti Bodhyang how is important to transformation of Namrupa. Peoples are suffering by the impact of present Namrupa. Smruti Bodhyang support to overcomes on Namrupa or doing key role in the process of Transformation of Self and world.

There were focusing in retreat specially on Meditation, Communication and group discussion for getting a good impact. The participant were doing meditation two times in a day which was much supportive to them to see themselves. There were conscious efforts from group leaders how the participant discuss deeply and try to get much clarity about the Dhamma principles. The retreat leader named Dhammachari Pragyaratna tried to explain how the peoples are suffering by their own karma. He explain that The Buddha is an ideal for us who overcomes by sufferings by his own karma. Dhamma is tools to support for living happy and enjoyful life every day. The sangha is an ideal community who practice liberty, fraternity and Equality which we have to create. We have to do devoted for creating a prabuddha Bharat which was a dream of Babasaheb. The Dhammachari Pragyaratna used the references of Mazzim Nikaya, Buddha and his Dhamma and Triratna books.

The all the participant were participated in all the activities with happiness and were enjoyed every events. Many participants express there much gratitude how the retreat was much benefited for them. They requested to be organised this type of retreats and they should be allowed. They created immediate what’s app group where it is continue. They are giving inspiration each other still now. This type of great changed is found in their life.

The all order members has been supported to successes the retreat.