“Working together towards Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”
The workshop was held from 15th to 19th Feb 2018 in Nagaloka. It was facilitated by Alan Senauke from USA and Jill Jamson from Australia. 38 alumni participated, 20 women and 18 men. Its purpose was to train alumni to become determined activists and to strengthen the alumni networks in their propagation of teachings and practices leading to liberty, equality and fraternity. On this occasion Alan and Jill spoke about how to develop Sangha between us in order to:
- Work together towards liberty, equality and fraternity
- Identify the problems facing society
- Secure the agreement of the workshop to follow the discipline
- Observe conflicts among, self, family, community and society etc.
- Lear from social reformers like Dr Ambedkar and Dr Martin Luther King to build a ideal society
- Revere life (individual students prepared to tell their main life events)
This was deeply inspirational to all. Students learned how to work based on the three principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. At the end of the workshop everyone wanted to participate in more workshops like this.