(P.T. R. No. E – 1742/ NAG)


The objects i.e. Aims and objectives for which the Trust is established are as under:

  1. To encourage people irrespective of caste, creed, sex, race, religion or place of birth to develop to the fullest their innate potential as human beings as exemplified by the great human being and the enlightened teacher the Buddha and other great human beings and wise men through practices conducive to that development such as the systematic cultivation of wisdom, morality, compassion, meditation, loving kindness,  and such like.
  2. To encourage the above development in any way such as by providing facilities, services, aids, making donations and otherwise including holding seminars, conferences, workshops, lectures, classes, conducting camps, training programmes and providing research facilities.
  3. To encourage,  promote,  support,  help and/or aid , conduct the necessary programmes and  activities including training  to  fulfil  Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s vision of Enlightened India – a just society based on the great human values and principles of  liberty, equality and fraternity as enshrined in the Indian Constitution ,  which is free of caste and  all kinds of social barriers, and in which all people, whatever their background can participate fully.
  4. To start, establish conduct and /or aid educational institutions, associations such as schools including pre-primary, primary, ashram schools, secondary, higher secondary schools, colleges, Universities, hostels, physical education schools, playgrounds, moral institutions etc.
  5. To help/serve the underprivileged members of the society regardless of their caste, creed, sex, race or religion, place of birth  by providing facilities, services of all types and description to them with a view to bring about their overall development  through undertaking projects in the fields intellectual, knowledge, education, technology, moral and physical education, health, sports, culture, rural development, employment, job training, skills, academic research, community  development, intermediate technology,  and the like.
  6. To encourage by whatever means possible right livelihood, (Samyak Ajivika)  and help, support, aid  people especially the underprivileged members of the society regardless of their caste, creed, sex, race, religion  or place of birth  to develop capacities for their own proper  livelihood thereby supporting the cause of economic development.
  7. To start, establish, conduct or run and /or aid educational institutions, associations such as schools including pre-primary, primary, ashram schools, secondary, higher secondary schools, colleges, Universities, hostels, physical education schools, playgrounds, moral institutions etc. for minorities such as Buddhists or other, for the benefit of all deserving persons and especially underprivileged sections of the minority society.
  8. To start, establish conduct or run Linguistic School for the benefit of all deserving persons and especially those from underprivileged sections of the society.
  9. To create conditions and situations to get affiliation with any University in India and any part of the world to fulfil the objects of the Institution.
  10. To promote knowledge for the welfare, happiness, peace and multipurpose development of all people and especially those form underprivileged sections of the society.
  11. To encourage and foster a general interest in education among the people and especially amongst underprivileged members of the society by giving special facilities, scholarships, and free ships for education etc.
  12. To establish, run or promote Training institutes in the field of Social, Educational, Cultural, Technical, Information Technology, industrial training Institutes and such like for the benefit of all deserving persons and especially those from underprivileged sections of the society.
  13. To start, establish or promote Social Work College for the benefit of all deserving persons and especially those form underprivileged sections of the society.
  14. To start, establish, run, promote or aid preventive measures and curative means in the field of health such as hospitals, clinical, dispensaries, vaccination programs, nutrition programs, mother and child health care, family welfare, HIV and AIDS,  health awareness and education and the like for furtherance of the objects of the association.
  15. To arrange residential training programs for social workers working in the fields of health and education; and especially for those working in Projects in slums and rural areas.
  16. To  support  and  provide facilities for  study, research, academic research,  propagation of thoughts and philosophy of the enlightened teacher  and the great human being the Buddha,  thoughts and philosophy of  Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar,  other great men and women; and social reformers in India and the world, in the past and present, who contributed immensely for the peace, happiness, wellbeing and progress of the people, movements for social change  through residential training course/s, long term as well as short term,  seminars,  workshops, lectures, classes,  conferences, conducting camps, training programmes as well as outreach work with alumni of the Institute.
  17. Inspired by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s vision of Enlightened India, the Institute and the Training Centre shall serve the socially deprived   from all over India
  18. To develop and support a network of alumni of the Institute for
    1. furtherance of the aims and objects of the Institute and also for their
    2. Social, educational, cultural, spiritual and economic development,
  19. To conduct a specialised management training programme aimed at empowering the alumni to participate in the management of  the Institute at various levels including the higher management and  the Trustee Body ,  and all the Activities and Programs including Educational,  Academic, Training run by the Institute,
  20. To involve the suitable alumni in the management at various levels and of  all the activities and programs( as in xix above) when they are ready,
  21. To  work closely with the Sister Organisations such as   Jambudvipa Trust, Manuski Trust,  Alumni Associations and the like;  and also with  Associate Members for furtherance  of  the common objects and fulfilling Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s vision of enlightened India.
  22. To  encourage , promote, aid, support, help the sister organisations and on request from these sister organizations the Institute may  gift or give it on long lease  the immovable property/ies with the approval of the General Body by 3/4 th majority and  Charity  Commissioner  and also movable property/ies for furtherance of their objects which also means furtherance of  the objects of the Institute, and also accept the immovable/ movable  property/ies from the Sister Organisations and the Associate Members.
  23. To promote, support, help and encourage to remove discrimination against the underprivileged, oppressed, marginalized members or other weaker sections of the society on account of caste, class, birth, place of birth, economic status or any other circumstances, and to secure to them dignity of individual, equality of status and opportunity, social justice, constitutional rights and freedom from all kinds of oppression,
  24. To promote, support and conduct Buddhist studies, Pali,  Sanskrit, foreign languages studies and courses, Indian and world cultures’ studies and research,
  25. To encourage, promote and help  people practice  the ancient Indian ethical  values such as Wisdom, Morality, Compassion, Loving Kindness, middle path, the highest virtues  and to provide facilities for such practise,
  26. To promote, encourage and develop international brotherhood and create conditions and situations for such development such as by holding international conferences, seminars, lectures, study tours, exchange programs and such like,
  27. To provide residential facilities of high aesthetic standards with care and hospitality in the Institute campus to the visitors from India as well as abroad,
  28. To promote, help, encourage and or aid women  to get their social rights and rights of equality; and to conduct, establish, and/or aid, promote the projects, centres, institutes, martial arts training  and other necessary activities including savings and credit groups, self-help groups and other social and economic programmes and activities for empowerment, and the equal status of women in the society,
  29. To render all possible help to women in destitute and to provide short stay homes to such women and also to provide them legal and adequate counselling,
  30. To conduct, establish, and/or aid, promote, foster old persons’ homes, women homes, Day care centres, and also to construct homes for the poor, handicapped and destitute and make outright grants to the poor and needy, old persons, widows and orphans,
  31. To promote Child welfare, Child Care, Child Rights, Child Education, and abolition of the Child Labour,
  32. To conduct, establish, and/or aid, promote, foster children’s homes, orphanages, crèches, projects  for welfare and care of  children,  day care centres, pre-primary, primary education centres, ashram schools for boys and  girls, hostels for boys and girls and to provide them educational care, medical care and recreation facility, particularly to those children whose parents are engaged in unorganised sectors such as landless labourers, artisans, vendors and those engaged in casual employment and to  those children whose parents belong to the underprivileged strata of the Society,
  33. To hold functions, healthy competitions, concerts, cultural and other recreational cum educational programmes for the overall development of children, disabled, destitute, orphans, and others in need,
  34. To advance and promote moral and spiritual upliftment of the Society as a whole and in particular underprivileged, oppressed and other weaker sections of the Society and to work towards eradication of social ills like alcoholism, gambling, child marriage, dowry, blind faith, Illiteracy, litigation, and the like,
  35. To promote youth welfare, voluntary action groups amongst youth for arts and sports, social service, social action, mutual economic benefit and other group activities and build and maintain sports-related infrastructure including giving awards and scholarships in the field of games, arts and sports and to set up appropriate institutions/ mechanisms for above  purposes,
  36. To establish development centres in under-developed and rural areas for educating marginal farmers, illiterate members of human society, women, landless labourers, artisans, underprivileged and those below poverty lines with the object to raise their social status, income levels, upgrade their knowledge towards their rights and duties and thus to make them capable of leading a life of dignity and honour,
  37. To conduct, establish, and/or aid, promote employment and job oriented courses, career development courses, professional courses, competitive examination study and coaching centres/ academies, personality development centres, psychological healing centres, counselling centres, training for development of life skills, soft skills,  youth training and development centres/academies/institutes, right livelihood training and such like for the benefit of all and especially for the benefit of the underprivileged members of the society,
  38. To promote and encourage the educational, cultural, social, spiritual and economic development of the tribal people and establish, conduct, run and or aid suitable projects and activities to achieve this development with their full participation,
  39. To provide help, aid, assistance for rescue, relief to and rehabilitation of the people affected by atrocities, riots, accidents and the like; and also by natural calamities, catastrophes, and disasters such as flood, earth quake, fire, storm, hill sliding, house collapses, outbreak of diseases, epidemics, and the like and to establish the action groups committed to provide relief and render services,
  40. To advance the cause and to impart the knowledge of  performing arts such as dance, drama and music, in all forms and the like by conducting  programmes, classes, schools,  academies, or colleges, lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences and also by doing all other acts and things for advancing the cause of performing arts for the benefit of all people and especially underprivileged irrespective of caste, creed, sex, race, place of birth or religion,
  41. To encourage, aid, sponsor, and conduct the activities, projects and initiatives to develop the arts including creative arts within formal and informal education for the benefit of children, students, youth, teachers, people at large and especially those from the underprivileged strata of the society,
  42. To encourage, promote and aid the study of comparative religion and science, and encourage the development of scientific and logical attitude among the people,
  43. To encourage, promote, aid and conduct the international, interstate dialogues or meetings or conferences of   artists, scholars, academicians, philosophers, technologists, technicians and other concerned people in arts, culture, scientific, academic,  philosophical, technical fields and such like,
  44. To study and encourage the effective social intervention for bringing about a social change in peoples’ lives  and especially of  the underprivileged,
  45. To educate the general public with regard to the objects of the trust and to conduct any activities which may result in creating a greater interest, better understanding and  increased awareness amongst the public at large of the objects of the trust,
  46. To enter into any partnership or any other arrangement for sharing the activities of the association, for amalgamation for union of interest, reciprocate thereon or to enter into co-operation with any person, partnership, company, other body corporate, Institution, Non-Governmental  organisation, Charitable organisations or to promote or aid in promoting, constituting, forming, acquiring and organizing any private companies, syndicates or partnerships of all kinds for the purposes of acquiring any other organization engaged in any activities similar to those of the association and having similar aims and objects of the association as  also any property and assets  to this association or for the purpose of advancing directly or indirectly the objects of the association or for any other purpose which the association may think fit or expedient,
  47. To enter into any arrangement with any Government,   supreme authority, municipal, local or other variety or other person, institution, non-Government organisations, charitable organisations,  which may seem conducive to the Aims and Objects  of the Association,  any of them and to apply for, obtain, purchase or otherwise acquire from any such Government or other authority or other person or institution any rights, powers, concessions, grants, licenses, privileges or as also to obtain the assistance from such bodies for any of the purposes of the Association  which the Association may think it desirable to obtain or carry out, exercise and to comply with any such arrangement, rights, privileges, concessions and others,
  48. To own, acquire, maintain any library or other collection of books, magazines and other forms of literature as also to own, acquire and maintain collection of any other items for furtherance of   the object of the association,
  49. To establish, prescribe, award or make arrangements for, either on its own motion or by entering into arrangements with others, scholarships, prizes or other facilities by way of financial assistance or other means to the deserving or needy or poor students or persons or any other person especially from the underprivileged sections of the society having skills which may help the association in promoting its objects.
  50. To promote, aid and conduct the programs and activities such as training, seminars, workshops, conferences, information exchange and networking for strengthening and enhancement of the Non-Governmental organizations working for the social, educational, cultural, spiritual and economic development of the people and especially for the underprivileged members of the society,
  51. To promote awareness of  the natural resources, conservation of natural resources, environment and conduct, aid and support the programs, projects activities for the watershed development, wasteland development, water conservation, conservation of natural resources, environment and the like,
  52. To promote physical and mental health through martial arts, yoga,  physical discipline, meditation, mind culture and other means,
  53. To conduct, aid and or sponsor research programs aimed at advancing and augmenting the objects of the Trust,
  54. To promote arts, science, culture and literature,
  55. To do any other lawful things, acts and deeds as are incidental, necessary, expedient or conducive to the attainment of the aims and objects.