Dhammachari Lokamitra has inaugurated a residential retreat on 27 December 2013 at Bolangir in the state of Odisha. The retreat is organised by Kalingamitra Trust, the organisation formed by the NTI alumni to preach and propagate Buddhism and teachings of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in Odisha State. The name Kalinga is the ancient name of Odisha, the place where Ashoka fought the bloody war and realised futility of violence. From Chanda Ashoka, he became Dhamma Ashoka.
Now Odisha, and this region of the state, Bolangir, are considered to be one of the poorest regions of the world. The region is beset with poverty, violence, scarcity, and deprivation.
The NTI alumni is slowly and gradually developing Buddhist movement for peace and justice in the region.
The theme of the residential retreat is ” Buddhism and Social Transformation” and the duration is 27-31 December 2013.