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Dhammakranti Retreat at Bharatpur, Rajasthan

Date: 12-13 March 2017

Dhammamitra Lokpal together with Local Buddhist activists had organised a two days Dhammakranti retreat at Bharatpur about 100 km away from Delhi. Before starting off with the retreat around 20 Alumni from mostly Rajasthan but also from Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Karnataka held a meeting with Lokamitra to talk about the future of Alumni Network as well as Introductory session to get to know the Local Alumni and their work.

Dhammachari Lokamitra gave a series of talks on Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. He is such as skilled teacher and understands the Indian context so well that all three of his talks were down to earth and very relevant to the audience who were mostly from Bharatpur and Alwar, which is predominantly Dalit Majority in these two districts and most of Nagaloka Alumnis come from there.

Retreat was well received by the Local people, over 100 people came to participate in this two days event. Many of the participants showed keen interest in having such retreats regularly to benefit from dharma activities. Manjula Pradeep, a well-known women activist also shared her experience of working with Dalit and women issues in Gujarat.

The retreat consisted in morning and evening Meditation, dharma talks, group discussion, question answer session and evening Puja. People were very critical in their approach to Buddhism, they wanted to know how Buddhist practices differ from Hindu rituals. The question answer sessions were enlightening as it gave a chance to ask question freely and remove their misunderstanding about dhamma.