Dhammachari Pragyaratna and Mr. Sushant Patra visited Kosmanda village located in Champa district of Chattisgarh on June 6th and 7th, 2015 to encourage the local alumni in their the Dhamma practice and activities.
The first day of field visit was dedicated to getting to know status of alumni and discussed about the following day program schedule. Seven alumni from the nearby areas organised a one day retreat. Around 40 people participated in the programme which includes alumni, alumni relatives, youth, local leaders and community people. Dhammachari Pragyaratna delivered speech on Dr. Ambedkar life and his work against caste discrimination, non-violence and Dhamma. Mr. Sushant explained importance of Dhamma in day to day life, and contribution of Nagarjuna Institution in social transformation. The team also meet some youth and their families. They brief them on the progress of alumni contributions, Dhammasekiya course, graduation programme in Nagarjuna Institute and also bring to his/her notice about the benefits of training in Nagaloka. These interactions with the youth and community people are critical in garnering support from society. During this, the team also met the four alumni families. It was amazing to see that these alumni and their families are strongly following the path of Dhamma.