Volunteer’s Name: Maitreyaratna
Report Date: 13th & 19th July 2021
Location of Work: 2 villages in Rayagada District (Kathagada & Munikhol) and 1 Village in Kalahandi District (Chandanpoor)
State: Odisha
Team Members involved: Sarala Kusulia, Uddhaba Kusulia, Sibu, Bachhan Koushlya and Gulshan
Total Beneficiaries Families: 140
Total Beneficiaries People: 534
Beneficiaries Details: Daily wagers, People from Trible and Scheduled Caste communities of remote villages.
Work details: Sarala completed her B.A from Nagaloka, Sibu Kusulia a 19th Batch NTI Alumni both are living in Ambadola village of Rayagada District engaged with Nagaloka-Manuski Relief work and mostly helping tribal people; who are living below the poverty line (BPL). They both know about the Scheduled Tribe community very closely from their childhood and witness their difficult time during this lockdown/shutdown due to COVID-19 Pandemic and There is no scope of any earning, the district has the largest tribe population where most of the people are living in the forest and hills, The corona lockdown hit them badly and not get any kind of jobs and daily earning that’s why they are finding very difficult to get even a daily meal.
First, we survey the villages and listed out the beneficiaries list with the help of Uddhaba and Bacchan and Gulshan they are active social workers in our area.
We receive the ration kit from the vendor on the 13th of July 2021 and Distributed it to 45 households in Munikhol village in Rayagada District and due to continuous rain we are unable to distribute the ration kits for around 5days and lastly, we were able to go out and distribute them on 19th July 2021 in Sakta-Munikhol; where we distributed 45 ration kits and 50 in Chandanpoor village in Kalahandi District.
The Tribal and Scheduled caste communities people struggling to arrange their daily meal due to restriction for covid-19 and rain, after getting the ration kit they are very much excited to know about the donor and about us, We explain about our Nagaloka-Manuski relief work and say about the Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and introduce the Photos of him; which we are carrying during our relief work. they are very much happy and express their gratitude to Nagaloka and Manuski.
We are very much thankful to Nagaloka and Manuski to give us these opportunities to serve ourselves for mankind.
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