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Ration Kit distribution to Covid19 patient’s Families at Nizamabad (Urban)Nagaloka – Manuski Relief Work

Volunteer’s Name: A. Sridhar
Report Date: 19 July 2021
Location of Work: Nizamabad, Urban
State: Telangana
Team Members involved: Sridhar, Lalitha (ANM) Staff UPHC

Total Beneficiaries Families: 45
Total Beneficiaries People: 225
Beneficiaries Details: Dally Wagers, Hamili’s Domestic worker – families of Covid effected

Work details: well it’s was very challenging working in the field in this pandemic situation, as alumni and our Activism gives a positive thinking and more enthusiasm to work in the field, before appeal We had a survey on Covid 19 patients with the help of Urban Primary Health center, Staff, her name is Lalitha who has given an appropriated data of covid 19 beneficiaries, after receiving the data from her, we personally visited the beneficiaries house, We felt very sad by seeing the situation of the families, Neither the neighbor is treating them as a human, nor the relatives, it was the very bad situation of the family they even won’t have any employment and the stigma of the covid shows the very bad impact, after receiving the message from the vendor the ration kit, We Collected and started the distribution with the help of ANM a Staff of UPHC,
Well a small initiative has made lots of change in the social thinking while we distributing the ration kit to the covid patient’s the neighbors are shocked and they themselves felt self-shame, and the beneficiaries are felt very happy, even the Lalitha
ANM of UPHC has also been shocked by seeing our compassionate services, and complement us that the Nagaloka and Manuski are doing the real noble work, even a Corporator or an MLA will not provide such kind of services at the doorstep.

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