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Ration Kit Distribution at Nagpur Slum AreasNagaloka – Manuski Relief Work

Volunteer’s Name: Shramanmitra
Report Date: 25-28 May 2021

Localities: Lalganj, Mini Mata Nagar, Bhandewadi, Hirve Nagar, Nandanvan,  Lakadganj, Prajapati nagar, Nehru Nagar, Nehron nagar gali, Chandra Nagar, Shastri Nagar  – Nagpur State: Maharashtra
Team Members involved: Shramanmitra, Nagamitra and team

Total Beneficiaries Families: 90
Total Beneficiaries People: 360
Beneficiaries Details: Daily waged earners, Widows, Physically disabled, Blind, Old people,

Work Details:
We have started relief work on 25,26,27,28 May. Shramanmitra has identified some of the areas with his friends and advertisement of last year work, which he did along with Nagamitra. They has been collecting this needy people list from last March and helping to them with very little sources.

These people were from Nagpur slums, they were desperately in need of support. They were blind, handicapped, some were lost their hands and legs, also in this COVID situation women lost their husband and some lost their wife and in some condition parents of the children. So children were in shocked and suffering with depression and many other things. Some people lose their jobs, some were suffering with COVID-19, they were having certificates with them and some were in home quarantine situations.



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