Tea meditation programme has been organized in Nagaloka during the 2nd week of December 2018. Ms Xiang Xuan from China, send from the Zheng Jue Monastery has instructed the programme. 10 students from Nagarjuna Training Institute participated in the Tea Ceremony. One of them named Jitendra who has learned Chinese in China and has some experience of Tea Ceremony in Zheng Jue Monastery, Shan Dong; he has assisted to Xiang Xuan for the programme.
Activities during the programme:
- Detailed information about the tea meditation ceremony and how it develops mindfulness and enhancing life
- Introduction to the accessories required for the tea meditation ie. Table, different kinds of cups and pots, cushions, flowers etc.
- Listening and practicing of the Tea Music in English as well as in Chinese.
- Information of different movements and expressions for the performance of the ceremony
- Showing demos using projector
- Morning exercise and meditation with music
- Public performance by the students
There were 4 sessions in a day for practicing tea meditation, namely early morning, morning, afternoon and evening. Early in the morning from 6.00 to 8.00 students were practising exercise , walking meditations and sitting meditations with the help of various music. Morning from 10 to 1, students were introduced and informed about various actions, movements and expressions with music. Afternoon from 2.30 to 5.00 , students were practising what they have learned in the morning session. Evening from 7.30 to 9.00 , students again practised the movements with music. Public performance by the students held on 13th Dec. in BuddhaSurya Vihara hall with the presence of all the students of NTI Dhammashekhiya and college as well as the official staffs and proffessors. They have nicely performed Tea Meditation Ceremony for appr.30 minutes.
The NTI Director appreciated the instructor as well as all the students those who performed the Tea Ceremony and presented a gift to the instructor and the programme was concluded by vote of thanks by Sushant.