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Teacher’s Workshop

This teacher’s workshop was held on 20th Jan 2018 at Nagaloka. There were 9 teachers participating. It was conducted by Divya. Its purpose was to evaluate the teachers’ performance and make them aware of how to make a lesson plan. Divya reminded those present of the last few workshops which encouraged them to realize courage the aims of education. Divya gave the group some points to discuss:

  • The teachers were divided into two groups and asked to discuss their own experience while teaching students in the classroom. It was an opportunity to clarify just what was their experience, the difficulties that had to be faced, and how they overcame those.
  • How they reconciled their individual aims with the institutional vision and how they imparted that vision to students while they were teaching the students
  • How did they prepare their lessons before facing the students?

After the discussion, each teacher came to the front and shared what they had learned from the group exercises. All were inspired to identify, understand and bring together their individual vision with the institutional vision. At the end of the session Divya gave each teacher the task of preparing a lesson plan each and every month. The workshop concluded with a vote of thanks by all participants to Divya.