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Dhaniya Sutta Retreat

The four day Dhaniya Sutta retreat was held from 1st to 4th March 2018 in Nagaloka. There were 165 people participating, 89 women and 76 men. Its purpose was to develop spiritual practice. The retreat was led by Vivekaratna with four Order members supporting. Vivekaratna spoke on the Dhaniya Sutta and inspired all the participants. He explained some of the important points contained in the Dhaniya Sutta:

  • That there are two views of the Human mind, one is mundane, the other spiritual
  • Buddha’s response to Dhaniya and his views
  • The mundane life and the happiness of the spiritual life
  • The ultimate happiness of spiritual practice.

After the talk, people realized that spiritual life is indeed happier than mundane life, and shared their different views, showed their happiness, and agreed to contribute their knowledge to society.