Alumni and order members gathered from all over the country for five-six days regional conferences on “Personal Ethics and the Transformation of Society”. The aim of the conference was to bring together alumni from different states of India, to motivate and inspire them in the practice of Buddhism. This year four regional alumni conferences were organised in Chhatisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and Haryana in the month of February and March, 2015. The conferences covered a wide range of topic that includes issues on Sangha, Ethics, Loving- Kindness, Social Values and Social Transformation.
Speaking at conference in Uttar Pradesh the Chairperson Dhammachari Lokamitra said that coming together is extremely important by quoting Buddha from Mahaparinibbansutta. He also compared the situation of Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh in terms of Buddhism and encouraged them to practice more and more effectively. Dhammachari Vivekratna imparted personal ethical aspiration and vision of social transformation based on moral practice. He elaborated Kalamsutta and Sigalwadsutta. Dhammachari Upayaraja emphasized on principal of ethics and expressed his concern on practice of ethics.
During the conference, participants discussed issues related with development and dissemination of Buddhist teachings across the country. This allowed alumni to explore the principles of equality and fraternity, and share their spiritual life experiences. Also there were many discussions on strengthening the future regional collaboration. The participants gave good feedback at the end of the conferences.