The programme was held at Nagaloka on 28th July 2018. The purpose of the programme is to remain people why we do celebrate the full moon day and to know the importance. It was lead by Dh. Amoghsiddhik & Dh, Suvirya along with other Dhammacharis like, Padmaveer, Ratnanista, & Nityashree. There were around 300 people attended the programme 150 female and 150 male. On this occasion Dh. Amogasiddhi gave a talk on the importance of historical Buddha & Sangha. He talked in detailly about in order to;
- An Importance of Historical Buddha & Buddha’ s teaching for develop sangha.
- As being as a human being how we can get “Mukti” (Liberation) and leave all “ Karmakand”.
- How do the committed people develop the sangha through spiritual?
- When people comes into the dhamma then how they change their lifestyle and live as Buddhist.
People were realizing themselves how spiritual life is important for each of us while listening his talk. The commend was qualitative and people showed their interested to become a Buddhist.