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50th Anniversary of Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha

This program was held on 8th April 2017 at Nagaloka to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha. It was facilitated by Vivekaratna, Nagaketu and Kamalashree. Its purpose was to recollect and celebrate the work of TBM. The were 78 participants, 52 men and 26 women. On this occasion, Vivekaratna gave a Dhamma talk in about Sangharakshita’s poem Four Gifts:

  • A white lotus flower indicating development through practicing spiritual principles
  • A Golden Net indicating the network of spiritual friendship in the Order
  • A Garden in the Wilderness indicating that Order members are like gardeners planting gardens in the spiritual wilderness of mundane life.
  • A Shepherd’s Dance, indicating that Order members are like shepherds coming together and dancing the same graceful form.

Nagaketu spoke about the unity of the Sangha, developing through participation in Order activities, good planning, and being a role model for the rest of the community.

Kamalsree focused on youth and giving an opportunity for them to come forward and take responsibility. The participants were made aware of the unity of the Order and helped to understand Sangharakshita’s Buddhist vision. Everyone agreed that we should encourage youths to join TBM activities and learn about the present context.