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Bodhi Dhammasekhiya Class 2020

Dr. Ambedkar’s Approach towards social transformation by Dr. bodhi s. r.

Dr. Ambedkar’s Approach towards social transformation by Dr. bodhi s. r.

Learnings learned by Students :

Amlan – Thank you sir. Today’s class was so insightful and magnetic. You have the capacity to wake up any man from the grave by your talk.

The things which I have learnt from today’s class are:

☆ what the true Buddhism means
☆how an ideal Buddhist be like
How an ideal human be like
☆How a prabuddha Bharat be like
☆what will be the weapons, one who proceeds to transform society must have
☆ what is natural and what is a construct
☆ how can we prepare and make ourselves ready to set in for the battle of social transformation?
☆why we called Babasaheb a true strategist

I’ve learned the true meaning of some of the quotes of Babasaheb. Those are:
☆ The history of India is nothing but a history of a mortal conflict between Buddhism and Brahminism
☆They cannot make history who forget history
☆Cultivation of the mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence.

That’s all.
Thank you again.


Uttam – My reflections go on these main points:
• Buddhism is 3M
o Mortal Battle- defeat by Brahmanism
o Moral Battle- 22 Vows
o Methodological Battle- How to live life – Buddha and his Dhamma
• First goal of the Buddhist should be to know about History- You should know what you are fighting for, how you should be fighting for, once known the energy will come into you, you constantly improve yourself
• Buddhists have no right to sleep without reading, should have knowledge of around the world.
• Preach only what you can practice
• In Buddhism, thinking and action is one
• In Buddhist concept of transformation is different- it’s about the values!


Sushant – Some reflections from today’s class
1. Buddhism is born out of own experience; so the form of Buddhism is differ from place to place, because social and environmental factors are different from place to place. But the core value is remain same. Compassion, Ethical life etc…
2. Buddhism is not just a theory to preach among people; It is a way to practise and one should sincere and honest. Preach what you practise.
3. Transformation is a process and slow transformation is more stable. But I think if the there is the proper way of transformation, it does not matter how slow or how fast it takes. Eventually it will be stable and it depends upon sincerity and skillful methodology. We see, in the Bhikku sangha, some disciples of the Buddha achieved Arahatship very quickly and some are took time, even Ananada achieved it after the Mahaparinibbana of the Buddha with the guidance of Mahakashyapa.
4. Very touching verse: SITTING DOWN, DOING NOTHING; THE GRASS IS STILL GROWING. It means the process transformation is continuing, may be seen or unseen, may be felt or not felt, may be perceived or not perceived…….