Buddha delivered the message of wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all. He preached his gospel through community of dedicated monks who worked zealously and selflessly organizing themselves into Sangha. To commemorate this establishment of Sangha, a program is organized in Nagaloka where Ven. Kuen Shin with his 55 disciples is coming to Nagpur. He will deliver his sermon and perform the rituals by reciting various verses and chants.
The eminent monk Ven Kuen Shin is resident of North Taiwan and is dedicatedly preaching Budhha’s Dhamma for the welfare of the all. Along with Taiwan, he is active in Vietnam, China and various countries of Europe. The venerable is training the people in practice of Dhamma in modern times. He established different monasteries due to which his disciples are able to preach the Dhamma to large number of people. He is in touch with Ambedkarite Buddhists from last two decades and has committed his life for Dr Ambedkar’s mission of enlightening India. The venerable has immensely helped this Buddhist revolution and has promised to do it in future, too! This most renowned monk will be benefiting the people by his auspicious presence with his 55 disciples on Sunday 17th November, 2013. On this occasion, the ritual of worship and chanting is organized in Nagaloka from 10 AM to 7 PM.
The Honorable Dhammachari Lokamitra will also be delivering discourse explaining significance of the day and objectives for celebrating the day. The Triratna Buddhist Sangha and Nagarjuna Training Institute are welcoming all for participation in whole day’s program.