Date: 28 Jan to 2 Feb 2019
It is a good platform to address some social issues/challenges/problems/ doubts etc. that support the alumnae to get deeper understanding on society and community. In connection with the same thought, it was also a need from Nagaloka Alumni to experience such platform as they were finding out few solutions to overcome with some technical/solution/tools implications while dealing with self, family, society, community and specially in an organisations where they works.
It was the workshop conducted by Alan Senauke from U.S. & Jill Jameson from Australia for the alumnae those who are working with an any organisations in India to develop or make aware in the society from everywhere. The workshop was based on:-
- What is current need of the organisation?
- How do we create environment receptive while working with?
- How to make peace in the society?
- What would be the tools and technic to implement?
- How to work and develop team work?
- What is mind mapping and planning a lesson in holistic?
So this was a prior effort of workshop, was initially done which put a study and exercise base for the alumnae on learning, planning and visualizing classes.
In this regard, Nagaloka team had a discussion with the chairperson, management and resource persons of respective Nagaloka’s to know about Alumnae demand, team work, working issues/problems where they got into non-cooperation with organisational approaches.