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Workshop on Conflict Resolution and Peace Building

The Workshop on conflict resolution and peace building was held from 9th Feb to 13th Feb 2018 in Nagaloka.  Its purpose was to train the alumni to work on setting up organizations and train people to make liberty, equality and fraternity realities in order to achieve Ambedkar’s vision to create a Prabuddha Bharat. Two scholars and workers in this field, Alan Senauke from USA and Jill Jamson from Australia facilitated the workshop. There were 26 alumni,12 women and 14 men.

Alan and Jill have gave a talk on conflict between the Individual and Groups as well as Society. This gave alumni the chance to amplify their knowledge and help them to prevent conflicts occurring among people. Alan Senauke gave a talk on the social reformers Dr Ambedkar and Dr Martin Luther King, and explained their vision of peace building. It was a tremendous inspiration to everyone to learn more about these famous role models.