To be filled by the authorized person only.

General Instructions

  1. To be filled immediately after the event.
  2. Please fill the appropriate fields in the form below.
  3. If you have written the report in word document, you can copy paste in the appropriate fields.
  4. Make sure you give the complete information as much as possible.
  5. Fields marked with ‘*’ are mandatory and has to be filled.
  6. Please enter your name and email address after filling the report to get  the report emailed in your inbox.
  7. The form submitted will be received at

Before writing report please make sure these points regarding Images:

    1. Get the pamphlet of the event.
    2. Select 4-5 images for the report
    3. Make sure they are in good resolution and in landscape (horizontal layout)
    4. Copy them in one folder in your PC or Laptop.
    5. Select all and rename them according to the event name.
    6. From these 4-5, select one image for Featured Image.
    7. There is separate section to upload Pamphlet and featured images in the form.


Report Submission Form:

    Event Type*:Sunday Dhamma TalkPoornimaWorkshopCelebrationsMeetingOne Day RetreatOther RetreatsNational ConferenceInternational ConferenceOthers

    Enter Other Event Type*:

    Event Title*:
    Start Date*:

    End Date (If different from start date):

    Venue(Change location building needed)*:
    Leaders/Speakers/Organised by*:
    Supporters/Organised By:
    Total Public Count (If available):
    Body of report*:

    Event Video Link (FB, Zoom or Youtube):
    Event Google Photo Link:

    Feature image of the event*:

    Other imp image of the event (Minimum 2 and Maximum 5 only):
    Image 1- Event Banner*:
    Image 2- Group Photo(if any)*:
    Image 3- Activity Photo:
    Image 4- Activity Photo :
    Image 5- Activity Photo:

    Report Submitted by*: