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Celebration of Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita’s 94th Birth Anniversary

Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita’s 94th Birth Anniversary was celebrated at Nagaloka – Buddha Surya Vihar. The event was attended by all the students and staff of the Nagarjuna Training Institute along with the NTI Alumni’s. General public also attended the event. There were about 200 people in total.

Dhammachari Tejdarshan presided over the event. The main talk was given by Dh Vivekratna, who was ordained as dhammachari by own Bhante Sangharakshita himself. Vivekratna gave an excellent talk for about one hour on the life of Bhante Sangharakshita.

The talk can be viewed in YouTube and Facebook page of Nagaloka NTI:

The Links:

For FaceBook: Click here

For YouTube: Click here


The Photos: