DAY 1   8th July 2019

  1. Why do you need website? 10-11
  2. Overview of Nagaloka’s website 11-12
  3. Donation / Website Statistic
  4. NL Official Social networking Sites – Publicity 30- 3.30
  5. Top 10 Must Read Tips to Run a Successful Facebook Page3.30 -.4.30
  6. Event Image processing 4.30 – 5.00

END – Review and Q&A


DAY 2   9th July 2019

  1. How to write effective reports
  2. Using 5W1H for writing reports
  3. How to Upload upcoming events.
  4. How to upload reports.
  5. How to upload news and testimonials.
  6. LIVE practicals

END – Review and Q&A


DAY 3 10th July 2019

  1. LIVE practicals continued…
  2. SEO and Security of the website.
  3. Roles and responsibilities.

END – Review and Q&A








  1. Why Website?
  2. 10Tips FB
  3. facebook product
  4. 7 Steps Effective Report
  5. 5W1H