We were very sad to hear of the death of Master Nan Huai Chin on 29th September. Master Nan was 95 years old and had led a remarkable life of meditation and study, developing a deep and thorough knowledge in Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism as well in Chinese medicine, and becoming one of the foremost spiritual teachers in China, making a considerable contribution to the revival of Buddhism there. . His books on Buddhist practice are extremely popular in China.
He had made a very great contribution to the Walking Buddha and also to the development of the campus and residential facilities. Lokamitra was very grateful to be able to meet him twice at his center near Shanghai. At those meetings, Master Nan was very keen to hear about the revival of Buddhism in India, and gave his advice and very strong encouragement blessing for the work Nagaloka was doing in training young people in basic Buddhism. Lokamitra led a special puja to rejoice in his great merits with the staff and students at Nagaloka on 5th October.